Monday, December 31, 2012

Here Comes The Summer

Only one-and-three-quarter minutes long in total, this song has a guitar break between 40 and 50 seconds and then a remarkable key change between 50 and 60 seconds, only to revert to base from there on in.
A ten second key change orgy.

Monday, December 24, 2012

I Bombed Korea

My favorite part of this song is the lyrics.  Although the music is really awesome, the lyrics are what really does it for me.  The key changes once right after the intro and then again, climbing a whole step each time.  (PS: Vivas slept on this hardcore)


Monday, December 17, 2012

Gift of Love

Is it wrong to post your own band's song?
Whatever, here's Gift of Love. Two key changes by Mike Vivas.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Me and Bobby McGee

I've never been a big Janis fan but this song is pretty damn good. The key goes up a whole step from G to A at 1:20.  I can only hope that her sad story doesn't dissuade anyone from using psychedelic drugs.
-Nick Anastasi

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hold My Hand

Whole step change at 1:06